We get to understand The Safest Countries in the World For Digital Nomads in this article.

While a digital nomad lifestyle can enable you to roam the world, you just can’t go to any place and have the best experience.

As a result, before making a major decision, you must consider several factors. Besides knowing the usual factors such as visa requirements, cost of living, tax incentives, and internet speeds, you should also understand the safest countries for remote workers.

Fortunately, there are several indices that can help you understand which countries are safe for digital nomads. The Global Peace Index (GPI) by the Economist Intelligence Unit is one of them.

The Global Peace Index is a comprehensive measure of the relative safety of countries worldwide. The study ranks 163 countries according to the extent of ongoing conflicts, crime rates, level of societal safety, political instability, and degree of militarization.

That is the report Lemon.io used to develop their list of the safest countries for digital nomads. We also scrutinized the latest GPI rankings and picked out updated safety information on popular digital nomad destinations to develop our list of the safest countries for digital nomads in 2024. 

Summary of The Safest Countries in the World For Digital Nomads

1. Iceland

2. Portugal

3. Canada

4. Czech Republic

5. Croatia

6. Germany

7. Hungary

8. Australia

9. Mauritius

10. Estonia

Ranking of The Safest Countries in the World For Digital Nomads

CountryGlobal Peace IndexRank
Czech Republic1.327/163

Here Are The Top 10 Safest Countries for Digital nomads.

1. Iceland

Iceland is an island found between the UK and Greenland. This island is famous for fire and ice. The country has a lot of volcanoes, ice, and glaciers.

With its thundering waterfalls, magnificent glaciers, and visually appealing nighttime display, Iceland is truly a stunning country. The country has a rich history, too.

Most people believe that Vikings landed on the island during the 12th century, The most important thing is that Iceland is the most peaceful nation on earth.

Besides this, Iceland is a wonderful place for digital nomads. This country offers a digital nomad visa for remote employees with a monthly income of at least 1 million ISK ($6,986).

This visa can last you for up to 180 days. In most cases, digital nomads occupy major cities like Reykjavik. This is also the palace where most Icelanders live.

The best thing about this city is that it is surrounded by natural beauty, geology, and magnificent wonders.

So, if you want to experience a different lifestyle while still enjoying a quality life and accessing critical infrastructure, you might need to visit Reykjavik. 

2. Portugal

According to the Global Peace Index, Portugal is one of the safest countries in the world. Besides this, the country is welcoming to visitors, including digital nomads.

It offers quite several residency options for different circumstances and people. Remote workers can take advantage of temporary stay visas, which allow them to live and work in the country for 1–5 years.

Portugal’s D7 visa program is the most popular and affordable way for remote workers to visit and live there.

The visa stipulates that digital nomads must make at least €7,200 annually, which is quite realistic for many. Besides the friendly visa programs, Portugal’s tax regime is friendly to digital nomads.

The non-habitual tax scheme offers a lot of incentives to the expat community. In addition, you can enjoy an affordable cost of living even in a big city like Lisbon.

In fact, this is the heart of the digital nomad community in Portugal, thanks to its natural beauty, vibrant culture, warm weather, and proximity to beaches. 

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide For Americans in Portugal

3. Canada

Canada is the safest country in North America, thanks to its stable political landscape, low crime rate, and cohesion among communities living in the country.

And the good news is that Canada welcomes remote workers who wish to visit the country. Canada recently joined the list of nations that have visas for digital nomads.

The government hasn’t released full details, but the new visa will allow digital nomads to stay and work in the country for up to six months.

While it targets tech workers, Canada’s digital nomad visa can accommodate anyone with a remote job. Interestingly, there is no income threshold for digital nomad visa applicants.

And should remote workers get a job with a Canadian employer, they qualify for a temporary work permit, which allows them to stay in the country for an additional three years.

4. Czech Republic

Besides Portugal, the Czech Republic is one of the safest countries in Europe. Located at the heart of Europe, you can access this country anywhere on the continent.

Most visitors love this country because of its rich culture and great history. The current regime has managed to maintain a stable and peaceful environment for its citizens and visitors.

And you will love it more because it offers visas for remote workers who want to explore the beautiful experiences of this country and the whole of Europe.

The Czech Digital Nomad Visa is a long-term residence permit tailored to independent professionals such as copywriters, designers, social media managers, and translators.

With this visa, you can live and work in the Czech Republic for one year. You can extend your trading license if you wish to stay beyond this period. The unique thing about this visa is that it allows you to work for Czech-based companies. 

5. Croatia

If you have watched Game of Thrones, you are probably familiar with some parts of Croatia. In recent times, it has become a hot spot for digital nomads, partly because of the favorable environment as well as the general stability of the country.

The current and previous Global Peace Index reports show that Croatia has remained one of the safest countries globally. On top of this, the country is historical and blissful.

In this Mediterranean paradise, you won’t lack things to feed your eyes and body. To attract foreign talent and visitors into the country, Croatia has a digital nomad visa, which is more of a temporary residence permit.

This visa allows you to live in the country while working remotely for companies or businesses outside Croatia. Holders of the permit can stay safely in the country for a maximum of one year. Sadly, you cannot extend the visa.

6. Germany

Europe’s powerhouse is also among the safest countries for digital nomads. It is one of the countries in Europe that has resorted to using diplomacy and multilateralism to solve its internal and external issues.

In some quarters, Germany is treated as a country of peaceful movements. The country places a higher value on peace than even individual freedom and democracy.

Safety and peace aside, Germany is a favorite spot for digital nomads. The country has a freelancer visa (Freiberufler), an equivalent of a digital nomad visa.

Just like other residence permits, Freiberufler allows digital nomads to work and live in the country for up to three years. 

7. Hungary

While world peace has been declining over recent years, Hungary has climbed up in terms of the peace and safety index. So, Hungary is a safe place for visitors to travel.

Like almost anywhere in the world, there could be minor safety concerns like scammers and pickpockets, which you can reduce if you follow simple precautionary rules.

Another impressive thing about the country is that it is cheaper than most EU countries. You are unlikely to go hungry in the country.

Besides safety concerns, Hungary is welcoming to visitors, especially digital nomads. So, if you wish to live in Eastern Europe, you can apply for the Hungarian White Card.

This permit allows you to stay in the country for one year. After that, you can renew for an additional year. 

8. Australia

Australia is generally stable and peaceful. The government here promotes peace and human rights for girls and women. On top of this, the country ranks highly in terms of management and resolution of conflicts.

The Peace and Security Council (PSC) ensures that conflicts and crises are tackled before they escalate. That could be why it still ranks among the safest countries on the Global Peace Index.

Another impressive thing about Australia is its openness to foreigners. While the country doesn’t have a digital nomad visa, it has other visas that allow visitors to tour and work in the country.

The Working Holiday Visa enables young professionals who wish to stay and work in Australia for up to one year. 

9. Mauritius

Mauritius is the top country in Africa in terms of safety. Internally, the government is stable and accommodating.

That is why peace promoters often visit this island to learn what it means to live in a peaceful environment.

Another beautiful thing about Mauritius is that it is welcoming to visitors. This Indian Ocean paradise offers a lot of leeway for digital nomads to explore the country.

Through the Premium Travel Visa, you can live, work remotely, and run a digital business in the country for one year. The good thing about this visa is that it doesn’t have an application fee. 

10. Estonia

Estonia is a tiny, peaceful nation famous for its innovative culture. The Estonian government is leading the way when it comes to taking advantage of digital opportunities.

It was one of the first countries to launch a digital residence program. Besides the famous e-Residency program, Estonia also has a flexible digital nomad visa.

The visa allows you to work for any company registered outside Estonia. So, you can live in the country while working for an employer in your home country. 


As the popular saying goes, safety comes first. So, tax incentives, beauty, or thriving nomadic communities can only come after safety.

The good news is that there are plenty of safe countries for digital nomads. We have done a bit to identify the top ones. It is your turn to pick the best country that matches your desires.

We hope you find a peaceful destination with plenty of support for the digital nomad community.

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