Costa Rica is the epitome of beauty and is ideal for nature lovers. Both sides of the country have picture-perfect beaches and mountainous landscapes.

When it comes to wildlife, a variety of animals rule its tropical jungles. You can visit Costa Rica at any time of the year, and you will surely get an unending supply of fun activities that will wreck your nerves while still within the budget limit.

Admittedly, many people are planning to visit the Western Hemisphere in 2024.  Well, before you do it yourself, is Costa Rica safe?

Based on the extensive research done, Costa Rica is the safest country in Central America. The Global Peace Index shows that Costa Rica is the 32nd most peaceful country out of 163. 

Overall, Costa Rica has good relations with the neighboring countries. They also lack military services, and the crime rate is relatively low compared to other states in Central America.

What Do Statistics Say About Costa Rica’s Safety?

Costa Rica’s safety can be gauged through various statistics:

  • In the annual Safest Places Ratings by Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection, Costa Rica ranks 32nd out of 42 countries, positioning it as the safest within its region. In previous assessments, Costa Rica ranked as high as 23rd out of 56 nations.
  • A remarkable aspect of Costa Rica is its lack of a standing army since 1949. This, along with a low incarceration rate, contributes to its 39th out of 163 countries ranking in the Global Peace Index. Still, it’s the top-ranked nation in its region regarding safety.
  • According to the State Department, Costa Rica holds a level-2 rating (“Exercise Increased Caution”).
  • 56% of Costa Ricans agree that the police force does everything possible to help and serve the population.
  • Regarding firearms, 95.4% of Costa Ricans agree on the necessity of a firearm handling test, 88.8% agree that firearms increase instances of domestic violence deaths, and 85.3% believe it can harm family members or innocent people.

Safe Neighborhoods in Costa Rica

You’ve got plenty of options when finding a safe and enjoyable place to settle down in Costa Rica.

While the country is known for its safety, certain areas stand out as particularly secure and desirable.

Costa Rica is more than just safe neighborhoods; it’s a land of stunning natural beauty.

Furthermore, you will get affordable healthcare and a laid-back lifestyle. However, keep in mind the country’s slower pace.

There are also occasional natural hazards like earthquakes and volcanoes. Still, it approves the necessity of having a car to get around.

If you’re an expat on the lookout for a secure place to call home in Costa Rica, these neighborhoods should be on your radar.

Remember, even in a safe country like Costa Rica, it’s always smart to stay vigilant. Take necessary precautions for your safety.

Is Costa Rica Safe for Families?

Absolutely. Costa Rica is a beautiful destination for family vacations. Most families who visit Costa Rica have no safety concerns whatsoever. 

As a matter of fact, families tend to have an easier time here.

That is because there’s safety in numbers. Furthermore, families are not typically into the wild party scene, which might cause trouble.

Is Costa Rica Safe for LGBTQ Travelers?

The simple answer is yes. The number has it that many LGBTQ travelers who visit Costa Rica find it very welcoming.

Compared to other places in Latin America, Costa Ricans are pretty accepting. Additionally, it’s worth noting that since May 26, 2020, same-sex couples can get married in Costa Rica.

That said, tolerance levels might not match what you’re used to in North America, Europe, or Australia. In smaller towns, public displays of affection could draw unwanted attention, so it’s wise to avoid that.

Is Costa Rica Safe for Women Travelers?

Costa Rica is safe for all genders. However, being cautious is important, especially if you’re a woman traveling alone.

Unfortunately, there have been incidents of sexual assault and even murder in recent years.

If you’re traveling alone, consider staying where you can connect with other travelers. That is one more emphasis, especially if you plan to hike, stay out late, or venture into remote areas.

Safety Tips To Consider While In Costa Rica

Don’t fret, though; Costa Rica is a safe place. That is why most visitors don’t run into trouble, but it’s wise to be cautious.

Here’s how you can stay safe:

  • Stick together when moving around early in the morning or late at night.
  • Keep your luggage close on buses to avoid theft.
  • Be extra cautious if you’re alone, especially on quieter beaches or national parks.
  • If you’re robbed, handing over cash and valuables is better than risking injury.
  • Tone down the flashiness with your belongings and attire.
  • Leave your passport and excess cash securely locked up at your accommodation.
  • Watch your stuff, even when surfing: thieves don’t discriminate.
  • Guard against mosquito bites, especially during dawn and dusk.
  • Stay clear-headed, and avoid drugs and excessive drinking.
  • Snatch-and-grab thefts happen, so keep an eye on your belongings.
  • Park smart: well-lit areas and locked doors can deter thieves.
  • Stay vigilant in crowded spots, particularly when using public transport.
  • Touristy areas are hotspots for thieves, so keep your wits about you, especially in places like beaches, national parks, and downtown San Jose.

What are The Common Scams To Avoid In Costa Rica?

1. Taxi Trickery

In this case, as you get in a taxi, the meter isn’t running. The driver claims it’s broken and gives you a crazy high price. Or, the meter works, but the fare skyrockets super fast.

Before you hail a taxi, ask your hostel or hotel staff about typical fares. If the driver won’t use the meter or the fare seems too fast, ask them to stop and get out.

2. The “Bargain Tour” Con

In Costa Rica, someone nicely dressed can pitch you an incredible tour at an unbelievable price.

Excitedly, you hand over a deposit. Sadly, the next day, no one showed up, and the whole thing turned out that there was never a tour, just a scam.

To avoid such a problem, why don’t you stick to authorized tour companies? Alternatively, you can check online reviews before booking. Only trust street sellers with a proper office.

Costa Rica: Your Guide to Safe and Savory Adventures

Admittedly, Costa Rica has a lot to offer. However, we can focus on the popular areas with significant concerns. Are you wondering about street food in Costa Rica?

It’s safe and a must-try. You can munch on empanadas, grab fresh fruits from local markets, and indulge in other tasty treats worry-free.

Just a heads up, if something looks undercooked or has been out in the sun too long, it’s best to trust your instincts and pass.

But seriously, sampling street food is the ultimate way to dive into the local cuisine and show some love to the community (not to mention it’s easy on the wallet).

Now, onto tap water. It’s generally safe to sip in Costa Rica but hold off in most beach spots.

To stay hydrated without worry, consider packing a LifeStraw reusable water bottle. It’s got nifty filters built right in, ensuring your sips stay sickness-free.

What about taxis? Well, they’re your trusty ride around town. Stick to legit cabs, especially at night. In daylight, flagging one down is cool.

Just keep an eye on that meter. At night, let your accommodation call for one: it’s safer that way. And if your gut tingles with suspicion, don’t hesitate to bail. Your safety comes first.

If you are an avid solo traveler, Costa Rica’s got your back. Stick to populated areas, keep your bling out of sight, and avoid wandering solo after dark.

Remember that tech-wise, offline maps and a language app are lifesavers. They will help you reach your destination without too much struggle and on time.

The Bottom Line

Costa Rica is home to awesomeness and is an incredible place to visit in 2024. As for safety, it ranks high on various global indexes.

That shows how peaceful Costa Rica is. It has low crime rates compared to neighboring countries. Moreover, safe neighborhoods abound, providing secure and enjoyable living environments for locals and expats alike.

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